Monday, May 12, 2008

how are you what!

Seriously it annoys me to the core when people just simply utter "how are you?" hello... do you in fact, really want to know how that person feels? yeah sure so sincere right you say "how are you as you are gazing at the menu above you" you say "how are you?" and answer "good" even when I say "not doing so good".

Personally when I ask the question, I do want to know more than just "good". Good doesn't MEAN ANYTHING! Call it a simple nice gesture... nah uh... it's lame and abusive.

So now, I do not ask anyone the typical HOW ARE YOU question. I also refuse to answer when I know that the person uttering HOW ARE YOU is just asking without using his or her brain. Then again a number of times when I don't respond, some fools will persist with the question until I at least say "SUCH IS LIFE. NOT ALWAYS GOOD NOT ALWAYS BAD."